I came across a cool Scratch Card story today. I was visiting the Guinness book of records website and I found the “Worlds largest scratchcard” . It was a traditional one of course 🙂 . If it were an online scratch card we would only be measuring the size of the screen resolution and by todays technology could be any size.

The New Hampshire Lottery Commission set the Guinness World Record with a enormous ticket at a whopping 36.2 ft tall and 18.8 ft wide. It was shown just before the Sylvania NASCAR race. The record breaking scratch card was a modeled on the $1 million “Cash Spectacular tickets” on sale at the race track

The Scratchcard was  so big that they had to use a scissor lift to get the lucky person to scratch and reveal the winning number. There was of course a representative of the Guinness World to adjudicate the whole thing. The previous traditional Scratch Card  record was set by the Golden Casket Lottery of Australia.

The lucky dude who scratched off the worlds largest scratchcardcard won a prize too!!! He was chosen by the lottery commission and got a free helicopter ride, VIP ticket to an industrial tools show (I am still laughing at this one myself) and guess what 2 box seats to the track victory lane after the race !!! Personally I would have preferred hard cash winnings from my Scratchcard. Maybe I should introduce him to Online Scratch Cards 🙂 . I am cracking myself up here as you can see.

As we see Scratch Cards have become part of our culture and now we can even look up to them in a sense or rather look to the skies and dream of that Winning Record breaking 1000000 Pound\Euro ScratchcardJackpot.

Worlds Largest Scratch Card