All of us like gambling but online scratchcards offer us an easier and affordable way to try our luck with very little money needed. Every penny counts in these challenging economic times and the fact that scratch cards start from as little as 10c make them a viable and winning proposition for all involved.
States across the U.S. are under political pressure to create more employment opportunities and to not increase taxes. Online scratchcards are one of the forms of online casino gambling that are being considered as an alternative to raising taxes.
The House Bill 2422 was introduced into the state legislature if Hawaii on January 25th. The aim of this bill is to create a Hawaii internet lottery and gaming corporation. This corporation would be authorized to offer lottery, poker, casino games and games of chance and skill on the internet only.
The Hawaii Internet lottery and gaming corporation would be assisted by a private internet gaming providers who would in effect get a monopoly for the internet gambling market in Hawaii. One of the conditions for the granting of this bid to a prospective provider would be conditional that the provider has never accepted any internet gambling wagers from Americans in the past.
The bill further authorizes the Hawaii Internet lottery and gaming corporation to enter into agreements with other state bodied in order to offer multi state games with the state and federal guidelines. It seems like “scratchcards” are on the cards so to speak.
The bills allows for no more than two land-based gaming events per year related to the HILGC’s internet offering as a way to attract tourists to the state.
It should be pointed out that HB 2422 is a ground breaking bill as it makes Hawaii one of the first pioneer states to propose legislation for internet gambling. It is also highly significant as Hawaii has never had any type of legalized gambling and not even lottery.
The second Bill introduced HB 2316 that was introduced would establish a Hawaii state lottery commission. This would permit the commission to operate only land-bases games and not internet games.
Both Bills were introduced by long time gambling supporters in the Hawaiian Legislature Joseph Souki and Rep. Faye Hanohani.
Revenues from online scratchcards can provide a major boost to the state coffers which could be used to improve vital areas such as health and education. History is unfolding in front of our eyes as we watch the U.S. online gambling market return.