Estimated consolidated sales will reach over $4 billion. The star of the show is their highly successful Galaxy S III which was launched in July. There are varying estimates of how many units have been sold but it is anywhere between 20 million and some believing as much as 58 million for the third quarter.
Samsung’s success in the smartphone market is largely the reason why they have posted such record sales. More importantly they have increased their brand presence due to products like the Galaxy S III. According to a report from Interbrand brands, Samsung’s brand has risen over 40% from the same time last year and is now following global brands like Intel and McDonald’s. While Samsung featured heavily in the smartphone market another major success for them was their television division which contributed to the company’s quarter three results.
With smartphones like the Galaxy s III, online interaction has never been so easy and entertaining. Big screened smartphones enable the online player to enjoy mobile gaming at its best. You literally have the ability to walk around with a mobile casino in your pocket.
The benefits of being able to whip out your phone and wager at your leisure while between daily chores is causing a revolution for the gaming world. With bigger and more advanced smartphones the need to be tied down to a computer is no longer necessary.