The reality of millions scratching and winning on online Scratchies sites can no longer be ignored by U.S. politicians. The demand for scratchcards sites exists already as the statistics prove.
Whether you approve or not many millions of scratch cardsplayers are spending millions on foreign based web sites as they are been denied their basic right to scratch away legally in the U.S.
As we have been reporting over the past few months The U.S. online gambling market is in the process of groundbreaking changes. The U.S. economy is in the midst of its worst economic recession since the Great Depression of 1929.
Many millions of U.S. online gamblers are seeking cheaper and more affordable gambling opportunities such as scratchies. There are few types of online gambling that provide the versatility and affordability that scratch cards offer.
Even in dark times such as the current recession, people see the simple scratch cards the ultimate way of winning big but with laying out as little as 10p to win life changing scratch card jackpots.
The online scratch card is an example of how traditional land-based gambling format can be transformed into an improved online version that is available to global scratch card players with the touch of a button.
These trying ties have made many look back to parallels with those difficult days. As it was then, the current federal government is under tremendous strain as it has to find sources of revenue to fund the millions of unemployed and to get the stalled economy into a growth phase.
Even critics of legalizing online scratch cards cannot deny the guaranteed income revenues from this ever popular form of gambling. Online jackpots from scratchies can reach up to $1,000,000 in scratch cards such as Super3Wow. The combination of minimum layout and maximum payout makes the class scratchcard an unbeatable winning proposition for all.
In the days of the Great Depression the Federal Government realized that the policy of Prohibition had to be reconsidered as the ban on alcohol was just causing billions of dollars going to illegal operators instead of to the government.
In these modern times of mobile smartphone theology and mobile scratch card apps, the process of effecting legalized online scratch cards is simple and uncomplicated. The lack of a need of big infrastructure makes the online scratch cards market an appealing and enticing notion for both scratchies players and scratch card operators.
The practical and more affective approach for all sides is to regulate activities which people would otherwise be engaging in anyway.
The online gambling industry is just one such example. Opponents of online gambling include reasons such as moral issues to concerns that legalization would lead to gambling addiction.
It is not hard to convince opponents to gambling legalization that lighter forms of online entertainment like online scratch cards can easily be considered as more of a social activity than a heavy form of gambling.
The current reality is that the state governments across the U.S. are looking to online gambling as a solution for their struggling state economies just as in the days of the Great Depression.
Many politicians have stated that revenues from scratch cards could funneled towards many needy social causes which include education and health projects.
The year 2012 is election year in the U.S. and politicians are wary of taking any actions like tax hikes that would impact on their political campaigns. They are looking to online gambling as a viable and realistic alternative that could save their financial problems. Scratch cards are the ideal format to be promoted by politicians to sell to their constituents as the online scratchcard market does not have many of the pitfalls of traditional gambling formats.
It is important to note that at present most Americans placed punts with online foreign websites over $3 billion until a law of 2006 which prohibited bet taking was enforced.
Many of these foreign betting firms were London based and never had to pay any tax whatsoever in the US. These millions of US online players have continued to grow and the burning question is how it is possible to ignore this fact and not start considering legalizing online gambling.
There scratchcards is in a advantageous position as the launch of legal online scratch cards sites in the U.S. could be lightning quick as expensive marketing campaigns are not necessary. There are few gambling formats that can compete with the scratch cards’ appeal factor as they enjoy global recognition.
Many casino experts such as Richard “Skip” Bronson believe that many state Governors want to bring their states in line with the realities of legalizing gambling but are scared to be the first ones to take the leap. Bronson summed up the current situation succinctly,” I was sitting with a governor the other day and he said, ‘I want to do it, I’m ready to do it, but can you please get someone else to go first?'”
As we have been reporting at length the U.S Department of Justice’s new stance on the Wire Act of 1961 has opened the way for a new era in U.S. gambling. There are many states like Nevada, Iowa, Mississippi and others that have already actively introduced legislation to make the legalization of gambling a reality.
The question of state politics is also key to the issue. The state legislators are wary of any foreign betting operators who enabled US online gamblers to bet on their sites when it was technically illegal. The licensing procedures will surely take into account the fact that these foreign operators did not pay any US tax and were in many cases in violation of U.S. laws.
Although many London based betting companies such as Ladbrokes and William Hill have been scrambling to sign partnerships with their U.S. counterparts in anticipation of the legalization of gambling, it is worth noting that they may take second place to established U.S land- based casino operators which have been operating for years legally in the U.S. and paying taxes accordingly.
All major scratch card site operators have realized that the most lucrative scratch card market could be in the U.S. as they open up .There seems to be consensus that to ignore the reality is detrimental to all and it is best to accommodate the likes of online scratch cards in a controlled and regulated environment which would benefit both scratchcard players and scratchies site operators who are seeking to operate legally in the U.S.