Imagine discovering that you have just won enough money on a lottery scratch card that enables you to hang up your boots and enjoy the good life. For one lucky New Yorker this is exactly what happened.

Dana Harchuk who is seven months pregnant is one of the latest to join the multi-millionaire’s lottery scratchcards club. The 31 year old single mom won over $10m million in the “Win For Life” scratch card game. This means that for Dana that in the next twenty years she will receive over $520,000 annually to live a worry free life.

This life changing news means that her soon to be born baby will arrive in this world with no financial worries ahead. Harchuk almost gave her family a heart attack as she was travelling in a car when she suddenly started screaming. Her aunt stopped the car as she thought Dana was going into labor. To her surprise and delight Dana showed her the winning scratch card ticket she had bought at the Brooklyn convenience store last month.

Harchuk understandably started screaming together with her aunt as they tried to contain their joy.She will receive her $10 million scratch card jackpot over 19 annual payments of over $520,000 as well as an additional $120,000 payout.

Like many of us can only dream of, Harchuk said she plans on spending much of her time in Tahiti and looking after her family.

Lotteries and scratch cards are the people’s choice for a reason. Like Harchuk there was an additional four other lucky lottery winners in New York.

These types of games have never been so easy to play as there are online\mobile scratchies and buying global lotto tickets options which give you the chance to join the winner’s circle from any place on earth.

We all dream of the moment when we hit a scratch or lottery jackpot and say goodbye to the daily grind of working. As Dana Harchuk will tell you from her planned long-term vacation in Tahiti, this happens to ordinary people every day. So for all the cynics out there, participate and you can win big.